Social Science JSSC JTPTCCE Assistant Primary Teacher Recruitment Exam Graduate Acharya Paper-IV 15 Practice Sets In Hindi

Social Science JSSC JTPTCCE Assistant Primary Teacher Recruitment Exam Graduate Acharya Paper-IV 15 Practice Sets In Hindi

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  • ISBN : 9789354884153
  • PPT : PPT-1059
  • Language : Hindi
  • Edition : Hindi
  • Publication Year : 2023
  • Number of pages : 472
  • Binding Style : Paperback
  • Weight : 495
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Book  JSSC JTPTCCE Assistant Primary Teacher


Part 1 - 15 Practice Sets is

specifically designed for the aspirants preparing for the Teachers

Recruitment Exams.

This book contains 15 Practice Sets

which is entirely based on the latest syllabus and is up-to-date as per the

latest official notifications. This in turn will help the aspirants to get

familiarised with the examination


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